Orientation in the Packaging Jungle

At the third “Österreichischer Verpackungstag” (Austrian Day of Packaging) organized by the FH Campus Wien, the focus was on the challenges of recycling-friendly packaging design. The international packaging design guideline presented for this purpose provides uniform recommendations for the industry.

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Strong position of corrugated board in the mail order business

According to a new study, 90 percent of packaging used in the mail order business is made of corrugated board. The Verband der Wellpappen-Industrie e. V. (VDW) believes that this is due not only to the resilience of the material, but also to the continuous further development of packaging solutions. From an ecological point of view, corrugated board can also convince as a recycled product.

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Avoidance of packaging waste

New standards in the avoidance of packaging waste: the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) is funding a waste reduction project at the Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences.

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Tinplate has High Recycling Rate

A new representative survey confirms the strong trend towards increasing environmental awareness among the German population. At the same time, consumers often still misjudge the sustainability of various packaging materials. The new initiative weissblech-kommt-weiter.de (tinplate goes further) aims to provide consumers with better information.

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