Nestlé tests blockchain platform

Food company Nestlé is testing the OpenSC blockchain platform to make the origin of foods traceable.

With OpenSC, Nestlé is testing a second blockchain platform to make the origin of foods transparent. The project aims to enable consumers to trace foods back as far as the producer using their mobile phone. The blockchain system OpenSC was founded by the nature conservation organization WWF Australia and the Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures. In the test phase, Nestlé wants to make milk traceable, from New Zealand to Nestlé factories in the Middle East.

Nestlé has been testing the Food Trust blockchain platform already since April 2019. Customers of the Carrefour supermarket in France can use Food Trust to scan the supply chain of each package of Maggi mashed potatoes via smartphone. Food Trust is a „private blockchain“ managed by IBM. OpenSC is a public blockchain that offers more public control options, says the company.